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Childbirth Injury: How All Postpartum Women Can Heal from It

Childbirth Injury: How All Postpartum Women Can Heal from It...

“Amazing Way to Get Rid of Back Pain, Leakage, Painful Sex, and Baby Belly”

What is Childbirth Injury?

Childbirth injury is something I am very aware a pelvic floor physical therapist and mother of twins myself. I am aware of the strain pregnancy can cause to our bodies. Unwanted gifts of pregnancy all relate to how our bodies change and the pain, altered self-image and lifestyle that come with it.

Recently, Cosmopolitan released an article titled, “Millions of women are injured during childbirth, why aren’t doctors diagnosing them?”. The author, Laura Beil, captured interest of more than 50,000 postpartum women suffering from childbirth injury. The article elaborated on postpartum problems women face and keep in silence, such us incontinence, back pain and pain with intercourse.  Cosmopolitan’s photo of mom and baby in diapers was a captivating illustration of the struggle women face. (You can view the photo on the article here)

Pregnancy and delivery can cause injuries ranging from back pain, abdominal split (Diastasis), vaginal pain, pelvic muscle damage, incontinence, avulsion fracture to severe nerve injury. Many postpartum women are unable to return to active life, engage in sports, socialize, work, take care of family, lift, or have sex as a result of a pregnancy related injury. Many try to exercise or lose weight to regain a slimmer, pre pregnancy figure but baby belly seems to be there to stay. All of this is leading to a decreased quality of life, disrupted relationships, low self-confidence, and frustration. Are there any solutions!?

Women shouldn’t have to struggle or face frustration any longer. Pregnancy and delivery related injuries are more common than we think. Surprisingly enough, these injuries are frequently ignored by our primary care providers.

Studies indicated back pain affects 77% of pregnant and postpartum women. Other than back pain, 60% of postpartum women are experiencing stress urinary incontinence, 29% suffering bone fractures and 21% pelvic floor tears. Two thirds of women end up developing Rectus split (Diastasis) which creates stubborn abdominal pooch. Finally, almost 65% of women are experiencing post-delivery sexual dysfunction and pain.  

What causes Childbirth Injury?

The most common causes are…

1) Overstretching of abdominal muscles causing tear in rectus muscle

2) Overstretching of pelvic floor muscle causing tear in Levator Ani

3) Avulsion Fractures

4) Alignment issues due to hormonal changes

5) Weak core and gluteal muscles, lack of flexibility in hips, increased pressure on the spine.

Problems Childbirth Injuries Can Cause…

For many women, nothing feels the same after the baby and how could it?

Childbirth injuries make simple things like sitting, working on computer, walking for a few blocks, or even sleeping difficult. Back pain can make lifting the baby difficult and painful. Having urinary leakage, pain with intercourse or bulging belly makes many feel isolated, unattractive, embarrassed, and frustrated. Having sex might feel hard to enjoy due to lingering, stinging, and burning pain. If you are avoiding sex due to pain, exercising and seeing you friends due to leakage, how are you supposed to live happy, fulfilled and confident life?

Physiologically, the pain often stems from…

  • Increased pressure on the spine/nerves/pelvic floor and bladder
  • Overstretching of abdominal and Pelvic Floor muscles
  • Formation of painful Trigger Points in spine and Gluteal Musculature
  • Tissue damage resulting in scarring
  • Hip Flexor tightness and Piriformis muscle spasm

When should I worry?

  • If it’s lasting more than 7 days
  • If you’ve taken drugs but they longer help
  • If simple sitting and walking makes it worse, or if laying down on the side or bending down increases
  • If you are not able to sleep
  • If you have frequent urinary incontinence

When does it become an emergency?

  • If you have pain even without pressure on it or doing anything
  • If your leg muscles begin to shrink (atrophy)
  • If you notice a loss in strength in your leg
  • If you have loos of sensation in vagina
  • If you have bowel incontinence

*If you experience any of these symptoms, call us immediately.*

Traditional treatments that most try but are not as effective include:

  • Drugs or injections
  • Chiropractor
  • Acupuncture
  • Generic Physical Therapy
  • Massage
  • Generic exercises (YouTube, personal trainer)

Most women try Kegel exercises, or even crunches or sit ups. Diastasis, postpartum back pain and pelvic floor dysfunction require specific training with focus on deep abdominal musculature and re-training of pelvic floor. While Kegel exercises can be helpful in some cases, they have to be done correctly and prescribed carefully because not everyone’s situation is the same.

If left untreated, childbirth injury can lead to PERMANENT DAMAGE.

Childbirth injury often leads to permanent damage if left untreated. In cases of nerve damage, you can experience excruciating pain, numbness, muscle weakness or paralysis, and loss of bowel and bladder control.

Try this test to see if you have a childbirth injury…

  • Start by laying down on your back with your knees bend.
  • Place one hand on your stomach, resting fingertips on the mid-line just above the belly button.
  • Gently press your fingertips into the abdominal tissue while performing crunch by lifting your head up.
  • If you feel a hole in abdominal tissue you are having muscle separation.

How can you heal childbirth injures and get rid of postpartum back pain, leakage, pelvic pain, baby pooch and sexual dysfunction?

My revolutionary Postpartum Recovery Program helps you reclaim your body, get rid of back pain, leakage, sexual pain, organ prolapse and stubborn belly pooch. It often works in as little as 1 session and depending on the complexity of your condition, it may take up to 6 sessions to fix.

I discovered this solution while working with over 600 patients who suffered from back pain, incontinence and leakage as a result of childbirth. As I treated their back pain, incontinence and pelvic pain, their posture improved, baby belly disappeared and they appeared taller, slimmer and more confident. They got back to sports, their relationship improved and social life blossomed.

I did some research and discovered that in the human body everything is linked together. I found that if I normalize abdominal and pelvic floor musculature in the special order and make them strong and healthy the lower back pain and incontinence improved very quickly. This caused decreased pressure and eliminated burning pelvic pain with standing, exercising and running allowing them to get back to active life style. Eliminating incontinence allowed them to return to more active and confident social life. Finally, decreased belly pooch made them look slimmer, and taller.

In case you were wondering, it’s all-natural. No drugs. No injections. No surgery involved.

This discovery has led to a dramatic increase in how fast my patients got better. They were able to run, lift their kids, bend, push and pull with no low back pain. Their activity increased as they were able to jump, cough and sneeze with no fear of leakage. Their relationships improved as they were able to have pain free sex again. Their health and mood increased as they were able to return to running and exercising. They were able to play sports, work and live their life again.

Not all treatments are the same.

Not all postpartum treatments are the same. Pelvic floor treatment and postpartum care takes special training and most medical professionals are not trained in handling pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Believe it or not, some treatments out there may actually make your condition worse! For example, mesh surgery for urinary leakage can cause serious complication such us bleeding, organ perforation and painful sex and is graded us high–risk surgery by FDA. Still, many physicians recommend this procedure despite proved risks simply because they do not know about better options. Not all practitioners treat postpartum injuries the same and many of them even ignore postpartum issues.

My method is highly unique. I focus on balancing the motions and muscles of pelvic floor, abdomen and hip, the whole body posture and use cutting edge methods to get quick maximum results.

My years of experience and research has led to the discovery of this revolutionary new way to stop Lower Back pain, leakage, pain with sex and belly bulge in nearly almost anyone and even years after childbirth.

Who are you?

My name is Lilly Bojic, DPT and I am a licensed physical therapist who specializes in back pain and pelvic dysfunction including pelvic pain and incontinence. I’m also a certified manual expert and have a special interest in helping women recover after delivery and become more pain-free, healthy, active and confident.

What can I expect from this program?

  1. Get rid of back pain
  2. Decrease leakage
  3. Improve posture
  4. Eliminate pain with sex
  5. Eliminate baby belly (Diastasis)
  6. Increase energy
  7. Improve self-esteem
  8. Move better, faster and easier

*The complexity of your condition will determine your level of results.

How quickly will I see results?

  1. Most feel better immediately. You can expect the pain to improve after the very first session.
  2. You could see an improvement in posture in as little as 7 days while on this program.
  3. Most are done with the program in 6 sessions and then continue on their own. Some require 12 sessions depending on the complexity of their condition.

How much does it cost?

  1. Because there are so many women who I believe need access to this vital information, I have created a special program to make it extremely affordable for everyone. You don’t need insurance or pay thousands of dollars.
  2. The cost ranges from $37 to $87 per session. And most complete the program within 6 sessions.
  3. The complexity of your condition will determine how many sessions you’ll need. Most everyone gets results the very first session and they love it.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

There’s a 100% money-back guarantee. If it doesn’t work, you can get your money back. There’s no risk.

Even if you tried other treatments before, this is guaranteed to work or your money back. So, if you tried drugs, manipulation, chiropractor, injections, acupuncture, or even surgery without success, you owe it to yourself to try this.

**Disclaimer: If insurance is used to pay for treatment, the money-back guarantee does not apply due to strict state and federal insurance laws.**

What’s my next step?

As you can imagine there are a lot of people wanting to start this program. But due to my limited availability, I only have a few spots available at any given time.

It’s only for those serious about getting rid of Lower Back Pain, Leakage, Pain with sex and Belly bulge.

If that is you, click below and pay the refundable $10 deposit and my assistant will call you to schedule your first session. If for any reason you don’t start the program you get your $10 refunded.

Remember, this is only for you if you are serious about results.  Call (425) 224-2476 to claim this offer before it expires.

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[accept_stripe_payment name=”First Session w/ Therapist” price=”10.00″ quantity=”1″ description=”Refundable deposit” button_text=”Pay Now “]


Remember, this is only for you if you are serious about results.

What’s included in the First Session?

The First Session includes:

  • A private one-to-one exam by a licensed physical therapist and pelvic specialist.
  • A detailed explanation of the ROOT CAUSE of your pain/problem.
  • A list of exercises and things you can do at home to start feeling better right away.

*If time permits, you’ll receive a quick treatment as well.


Is it safe?

Yes. All procedures are FDA cleared and proven safe. I am a licensed     Physical Therapist with over 10 years of practice in the state of WA. My license number is PT00010335.

What if I had surgery?

It’s safe even if you’ve had surgery. You may need more sessions but you will still see results.


“They took away my pain, bulging belly and urinary incontinence after suffering for 8 years! And I am so happy because now I have my life back!” -JS (patient)

SoftWave Therapy is now available at Lilly Physical Therapy. Get in touch with us to schedule an appointment.