Do You Have Shoulder Impingement? The Shoulder Impingement Test
Ever have days where the pain ishoulder impingementn your shoulder is so painful you can’t even lift up your arm? Does your shoulder ever click…click…click click click? Odds are you have shoulder impingement. We want you to be able to check this with a simple test. First, find a surface to sit on. Then, grab the bottom surface of where you are sitting with your hand and lean your body away from the painful shoulder. For example, if your shoulder pain is on the right side, lean to the left side. This is so that the shoulder is being pulled downward by your hand. Given that this position does not create any pain or hand numbness, continue to hold for 30 seconds, relax, and repeat three times. After the set of exercises, attempt to reach up again. If your arm feels a lot better then TA-DA, you have shoulder impingement. In that case, there are many exercises you can do to help with shoulder pain and impingement. Keep your eyes out for near future blogs on more tips, tricks, and exercises for shoulder impingement! Don’t live in pain, take control of your body today!
At Lilly Physical Therapy, we want you to live your life pain free.
Come in today and feel the improvement right away with our amazing therapists. You deserve it!
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