The pressure of life can becoming overbearing for anyone. With our busy schedules these days, it is easy to forget to take care of your mental health. The good news is that I have a solution to help you free yourself from stress overload without drowning your cells in pharmaceutical drugs. Meditation is one of the most powerful natural stress relievers!
A few weeks ago, I implemented a guided meditation audio in some of my patient’s sessions. After their treatment, I let them lay down, gave them a pair of headphones and let them completely zone out for ten minutes. Every single person has loved it so far. One patient even said, “The best part of the guided meditation is that your voice is so soothing, Dr. Lilly. It’s even better because I trust you and know that you actually care so it was easy to zone out and de-stress.” That comment made me want to share the guided meditation audio with all of you because I care about all of my patients and I think that everyone can benefit from this.
Meditation takes you on a journey through your subconscious, helping to release stress and banish pain from your body and mind. But beginners can have a hard time focusing their minds on meditation. And this is the reason for the rise of guided meditation. Guided meditation helps you meditate through visualizations. With guided meditation, you can start meditating right away and increase the success rate of your meditation sessions.
Guided meditation, like regular meditation, has several health benefits. Here are some of the physical and psychological benefits of guided meditation:
Stress and Depression Reliever
Harmful thoughts and emotions such as anger, jealousy, and fear can lead to building up of stress and degenerate into anxiety and depression. Guided meditation can help you keep these negative emotions under control, so they don’t overpower you.
According to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Practice, researchers found that meditation practices such as mindfulness-based stress reduction strategies have a wide range of anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects. Guided meditation enables people to isolate the facts in a troubling situation, which helps to lower overall mental distress.
Helps Relieves Chronic Pain
Research has also shown that meditation can help lower chronic pain such as neck or back pain and chronic joint pain by reducing the emotional attachment to the pain. Pain is often aggravated by negative thoughts related to that pain such as fear, frustration, anger, and others.
MRIs have shown that regular practice of guided meditation can promote activity in the parts of the brain connected to decision-making, stress control, and emotional control, helping to reduce the adverse reactions to the pain and increase their ability to improve their response. Practicing guided meditation can help lower sensitivity to pain by promoting emotional and cognitive control. Meditation can also enhance the patient’s quality of life with regular practice.
Promotes Sleep Quality
Guided meditation can help improve sleep quality as it reduces factors such as pain, stress, nervousness, and anxiety, which can decrease insomnia. According to a 2015 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers found that mindfulness meditation promotes sleep quality among seniors with sleep disorders. The researchers also found that meditation improved daytime impairment in the participants.
Promotes Recovery from Chronic Illnesses
Research has found that guided meditation can inspire hope and a feeling of empowerment when battling serious health problems. It has been shown to be helpful in cancer patients by reducing stress symptoms and promoting psychological health. Guided meditation is now widely used in holistic treatment programs as it has been proven to be effective in solving many physical and mental problems in people suffering different chronic diseases.
Reduces The Risk of Obesity
According to this study, practicing guided motivation can help reduce the risk of obesity, emotional eating, and overeating by promoting appetite and emotional control, improved reaction to stress, and behavioral changes as well as promoting healthy and sustainable weight loss.
Now that you know about how powerful meditation is, you can get access to the meditation audio here for just $4.99! Follow the payment button below to access the audio!
Guided meditation is helpful but not a substitute for appropriate medical attention. The mp3s on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. Always consult your physician or therapist when considering using guided meditation product. Guided meditation are not recommended for people suffering from mental disorders or illness.
Always make sure to listen to guided meditation products in an environment that is safe. Do not listen to recordings while driving a car or operating any kind of machinery. Also, do not listen to recordings when drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
The only guarantee I make regarding my products is that I’ve done my best to create quality recording. I cannot guarantee anyone’s success when using these products. There is only one person who can guarantee your success, and that would be you.
Copyright. All recordings are copyrighted. These recordings, when purchased, are for personal use only. None of the information on this site may be distributed or sold without the consent of the copyright owner, Lilly Bojic.