Women’s Health Physical Therapy
Women’s Health Physical Therapy is helpful in assisting women of all ages, from when they are young teens, to their years of womanhood and childbearing, to menopause, and well into their elderly years. Women of diverse age groups can experience pain or discomfort related to injury, weakness or musculoskeletal dysfunction and most of these problems can be successfully treated and resolved by physical therapy intervention.
Here are some situations that apply:
– You’re with your loved one and those intimate moments just don’t seem so intimate any more because you’re experiencing pain with intercourse.
-You are experiencing lower back, hip or sacroiliac pain sometimes radiating down the leg and making it hard to sit, stand and walk.
-You are pregnant and experiencing thoracic pain, lower back pain, hip pain, nerve impingement symptoms or pubic pain.
– You are experiencing uncomfortable urine leakage when you cough, sneeze, jump, run, or even laugh.
-You are experiencing urinary urgency and can no get to the bathroom on time.
-You are diagnosed with prolapse and feel uncomfortable pelvic floor pressure.
-You are having painful urination, incomplete empting and urinary frequency.
-You are suffering from chronic pelvic pain, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, or even constipation or diarrhea.
Do these apply to you? Women’s Health Physical Therapy can help with all of these women’s health issues including sexual dysfunctions, pre-natal/postpartum care, and bladder and bowel disorders. An experienced pelvic health physical therapist can solve these issues and normalize function through customized treatment programs by improving alignment, relieving pain, improving range of motion, strengthening weak and relaxing tight muscles.
At Lilly Physical Therapy, we use cutting edge technology to retrain pelvic floor musculature, relive pain and improve function. We are keeping abreast with the latest research, using the most advanced manual skills and technology. Our customized approach is targeting the root cause of the problem, not just symptoms, therefore giving fast and long lasting results. We provide our patients with a unique experience and work on empowering women to take control of their body and conquer their issues with confidence in order to live a more fulfilling and stress free life.
Call today to live free of pain, discomfort and embarrassment; choose to live the life everyone deserves, one of ease and comfort. Lilly Physical Therapy in Edmonds, WA: (425) 224-2476